You can find us in Essex on the north bank of the River Thames, which provides great transport connections to serve the UK network. Established in 2019, PolyBitumens supports our internal contracts and external partners through the manufacture of Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB), Surface Dressing, Micro Surfacing and Bond Coat bitumen emulsions.
PolyBitumens is a modern, energy efficient facility with fully automated processes which produces high quality products that are designed specifically for UK highways and our changing climate.
Our dedicated in-house lab uses Eurovia’s worldwide expertise gained from tried and tested innovations to develop solutions for you, today and in the future. Using specialist technology we tailor our chemistry to suit climatic conditions and provide sustainable, optimal performance. We are proud to be a leader in developing Modified and Emulsified Bitumen products, and we would like to share with you our expertise in UK Highways.
Call us on 01708 983050 | Email us at